Make Your Vote Count
Register To Vote and Take Action
Your right to vote is the most powerful way for you to have your voice heard and plant a stake for the issues that matter most to you and your community. In a year of challenging primary races and long-awaited Governor challenges, it is as important as ever to have every vote counted - but it all starts with registering to vote, mobilizing your community and taking action wherever you are.
With every coming election, millions of Americans find themselves unable to vote due to missed deadlines or various obstacles leading them to register. In 2022, the options to register to vote are numerous and depend on your State - but deadlines still loom and it is important to know what you need to provide in order to register. National Voter Registration Day is also held every year - this year it will be September 22nd 2022, and on that day, nationwide, all voting-age Americans are encouraged to find a registration site and countless organizations make the process easier through events and outreach programs.
Primaries are fast-approaching and the table below is a reminder of the key dates ahead for you to know and prepare for. With the election dates in mind, you need to be aware of your registration deadlines. The table below will help you understand and identify your registration deadlines.
As you prepare to register to vote and mobilize your community to do the same, below are also some helpful links to help guide you in the process and offer more information on what to expect and how to get it done.
Rock The Vote - Voter Hub w/ a dedicated page to Register To Vote
State |
Voter Registration Deadline |
Alabama Ala. Code § 17-3-50 |
Fifteen days before an election. |
Alaska Alaska Stat. 15.07.070(c) |
Thirty days before an election. |
Arizona Ariz. Rev. Stat. § 16-120 |
Twenty-nine days before an election. |
Arkansas AR Const. Amend. 51, § 9 |
Thirty days before an election. |
California Cal. Elec. Code § 2170 |
Fifteen days before an election. Same-day registration is permitted 14 days before an election and on Election Day. |
Colorado Colo. Rev. Stat. § 1-2-201 |
Eight days before an election. Same-day registration is permitted during early voting and on Election Day. Deadlines for voter registration drives are 22 days before an election. |
Connecticut C.G.S.A. § 9-23g |
Seven days before an election. Same-day registration is permitted on Election Day. Deadlines for primary elections are different. |
Delaware Del. Code Tit. 15 §2036 et seq. |
Twenty-four days before an election. Deadlines for special elections are different. |
District of Columbia DC ST § 1-1001.07 |
Twenty-one days before an election. Same-day registration is permitted on Election Day. |
Florida Fla. Stat. § 97.055 |
Twenty-nine days before an election. |
Georgia Ga. Code Ann. § 21-2-224 |
Twenty-nine days before an election. Deadlines for special elections are different. |
Hawaii Hawaii Rev. Stat. §11-24 |
Twenty-nine days before an election. Same-day registration is permitted during early voting and on Election Day. |
Idaho Idaho Code §34-408 |
Twenty-five days before an election. Same-day registration is permitted on Election Day. |
Illinois 10 ILCS 5/4-6, 4-16, 5-5, 6-29, 1A-16.5 |
Twenty-eight days before an election; 16 days before if registering online. Same-day registration is permitted from 27 days before the election and on Election Day. Availability and locations of same-day and Election Day registration vary by county. |
Indiana Ind. Code §3-7-13-10 |
Twenty-nine days before an election. |
Iowa Iowa Code §48A.9 |
Fifteen days before an election; postmarked 15 days before an election for mail registrations. Same-day registration is permitted during in-person absentee voting and on Election Day. |
Kansas Kan. Stat. §25-2311 |
Twenty-one days before an election. |
Kentucky Ken. Rev. Stat. § 116.045 |
Twenty-nine days before an election. |
Louisiana LSA-R.S. 18:135 |
Thirty days before an election; 20 days before if registering online. |
Maine 21-A MRSA §121-A, 122 |
Twenty-one days before an election. Same-day registration is permitted on Election Day. |
Maryland Md. Election Code § 3-302, 305, 306 |
Twenty-one days before an election. Same-day registration is permitted during early voting and on Election Day. |
Massachusetts M.G.L.A. 51 § 26 |
Twenty days before an election. |
Michigan M.C.L.A. 168.497, 168.498 |
Fifteen days before an election. Same-day registration is permitted during early voting and on Election Day. |
Minnesota Minn. Stat. Ann. §201.054, 201.061 |
Twenty-one days before an election. Same-day registration is permitted during early voting and on Election Day. |
Mississippi Miss. Code Ann. § 23-15-37 |
Thirty days before an election. |
Missouri V.A.M.S. 115.135 |
Twenty-seven days before an election. |
Montana MCA 13-2-301, 304 |
Thirty days before an election. Voters may also register during the late registration period ending at noon the day before Election Day. |
Nebraska Neb. Rev. St. § 32-302, 304 |
Eleven days before an election if registering in person; 18 days before if registering online or by mail. |
Nevada N.R.S. 293.560 |
Twenty-eight days before an election in-person; postmarked 28 days before if registering by mail; five days before if registering online. Deadlines for special elections are different. Same-day registration is permitted during early voting and on Election Day. |
New Hampshire N.H. Rev. Stat. §654:7, 654:7-a |
Six to 13 days before an election, depending on local supervisors of the checklist. Same-day registration is permitted on Election Day. |
New Jersey N.J.S.A. 19:31-6 |
Twenty-one days before an election. |
New Mexico N. M. S. A. § 1-4-8 |
Twenty-eight days before an election. Same-day registration is permitted 28 days prior to the election until the Saturday prior to Election Day. Election Day registration is available for statewide contests. |
New York N.Y. Election Law §5-210 |
Twenty-five days before an election.
North Carolina N.C. Gen. Stat. Ann. § 163-82.6 |
Twenty-five days before an election. Same-day registration is permitted during early voting. |
North Dakota |
North Dakota does not have voter registration. |
Ohio Ohio Rev. Code Ann. §3503.19 |
Thirty days before an election. |
Oklahoma Okla. Stat. tit. 26 § 4-110.1 |
Twenty-five days before an election. |
Oregon Ore. Rev. Stat. § 247.017 |
Twenty-one days before an election. |
Pennsylvania 25 P.S. § 3071 |
Fifteen days before an election. |
Rhode Island R.I. Gen. Laws § 17-9.1-3 |
Thirty days before an election. |
South Carolina S.C. Code Ann. § 7-5-150 |
Thirty days before an election. |
South Dakota S.D. Codified Laws § 12-4-5 |
Fifteen days before an election. |
Tennessee Tenn. Code Ann. § 2-2-109 |
Thirty days before an election. |
Texas V.T.C.A., Election Code §13.143 |
Thirty days before an election. |
Utah Utah Code Ann. § 20A-2-102.5, 206, 207 |
Eleven days before election. Same-day registration is permitted during early voting and on Election Day. |
Vermont Vt. Stat. Ann. Tit. 17, § 2144 |
Same-day registration is permitted through Election Day. |
Virginia Va. Code Ann. § 24.2-416 |
Twenty-two days before an election. Deadlines for special elections differ. |
Washington Wash. Rev. Code 29A.08.140 |
Online and mail-in registrations must be received no later than eight days before an election. In-person registration is permitted through 8 p.m. Election Day. |
West Virginia W. Va. Code, § 3-2-6 |
Twenty-one days before an election. |
Wisconsin Wis. Stat. § 6.28 |
Twenty days before an election if registering online or by mail. Friday before election if registering in-person. Same-day registration is also permitted on Election Day. |
Wyoming Wyo. Stat. § 22-3-102, 104 |
Fourteen days before an election. Same-day registration is also permitted on Election Day. |
2022 Primary Dates |
State |
Primary Date |
Primary Runoff Date |
More Info |
5/24/2022 |
6/21/2022 |
8/16/2022 |
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8/2/2022 |
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5/24/2022 |
6/21/2022 |
6/7/2022 |
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6/28/2022 |
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8/9/2022 |
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9/13/2022 |
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8/23/2022 |
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5/24/2022 |
6/21/2022 |
8/13/2022 |
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5/19/2022 |
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5/3/2022 |
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5/17/2022 |
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11/8/2022 |
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6/14/2022 |
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6/28/2022 |
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9/20/2022 |
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8/2/2022 |
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8/9/2022 |
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9/13/2022 |
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5/3/2022 |
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6/28/2022 |
8/23/2022 |
5/17/2022 |
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5/17/2022 |
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9/13/2022 |
9/24/2022 |
6/14/2022 |
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6/7/2022 |
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8/4/2022 |
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3/1/2022 |
5/24/2022 |
6/28/2022 |
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